One family in Christ

Catholic Social Teaching: Rights and Responsibilities

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Rights and Responsibility

Everybody has a fundamental right to life. It is this right that makes all the other rights possible. Everyone has the right to food, health care, housing, education and employment. We all need to strive to secure and respect these rights for others both locally and globally.

"Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done."      Proverb 19:17


In Spring 2, we will be thinking about how we can use our voice for good. Linking with our Children's Mental Health Week, we will be looking at how to use our voices for good, respecting other people's rights and advocating what we believe - just like Jesus did. We are focusing on our right and duty to participate fully in society.

Events across the school:

  • To begin our Lenten journey, we are inviting our families for a 'Stay and Pray', where we can reflect on the special season of Lent and how Jesus forgave others and sacrificied his life for us. 
  • The Worship Team is now fully established with plans for the children to led Lectino Divina and Liturgies across the whole school! They are working hard on planning to ensure the worships are reflective and a quiet space is set up ready for each worship.
  • KS2 are performing an Easter Reflection, which we are looking forward to inviting our families to come in and see
  • Exciting Easter raffles and hampers are being prepared by the 'Team for the Common Good'


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