One family in Christ

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At St John the Baptist RC Primary School, our intention for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is to ensure that all children have full access to the curriculum and the wider life of the school. We aim to be an inclusive school which allows all children to achieve their full potential. We believe that all children should receive an education which gives them the knowledge and skills to fully participate in school and the wider community, and supports their transition to Secondary school.

How do we know if a child has special educational needs and/or disability and needs extra support?

We will use a number of strategies to identify if a child needs extra support including:

  • concerns raised by pupil, parents/carers, teachers, previous school, or external agencies
  • observations of the child in class
  • screening checks (e.g. Wellcomm assessment, Dyslexia screener, Sandwell - Maths, YARC - reading, PhAB - phonological awareness)
  • whole school tracking

How do we meet the needs of children with SEND?

We work hard to create and deliver a high-quality, broad and balanced curriculum which is adapted to meet the needs of our pupils, using a range of teaching approaches and resources. We ensure that all staff are aware of and are sensitive to the needs of all pupils. We also work closely with a range of professionals and external agencies to provide the best support for our children, 

Some children may need further support to achieve their potential. This may include:

  • 1:1 or small group interventions (Lexia, Phonics, Maths boosters)
  • programme set by Speech and Language therapists
  • pastoral support (ELSA)
  • support from Mentally Healthy Schools team
  • support based on advice from external agencies, such as Educational Psychologists and Rochdale Additional Needs Service. 


Further information about the support provided can be found in the SEND policy and SEND Information Report. 

If you have any concerns about your child or wish to discuss SEND at our school, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Hickman via the School Office.

SEND Governor: Mrs H Preston

Link to Rochdale Council Local Offer

Autism and ADHD

Below are some useful websites and organisations that may provide support and further understanding of your child's needs. Please speak to Mrs Hickman, if you require further support and/or information.

The Neurodiversity Hub Rochdale

National Autism Society 

ADHD foundation

PDA Society - Pathological Demand Avoidance (part of Auistic Spectrum)


British Dyslexia Association 

Speech, language and communication

Rochdale Speech and Language team (See file below for advice sessions for 0-5year olds)

Social, emotional and mental health



Rochdale Additional Needs (RANS) ASC team are hosting a Coffee Afternoon for parents or carers of children and young people with Autistic Spectrum Condition on 1st April 2025. (See files section for further information)

Files to Download

Student Login